I really want to thank you for this decision and hope for morecommunity healing ones from 1900 Fourth. This project islike no other Berkeley has ever faced.Thank you for treading lightly and carefully Lauren. Your firm’s place in history is being written in Berkeley by your decisions on this landmark proposal andthe massive implications those decisions portend not just for the firm, but for us all as a City and a culture. Lauren, thank you again and I truly hope for some kind of neighborly communication that brings us together instead oftearing us apart. But you are surely correct no intact shellmound material has been found on1900 Fourth and may or may not ever be found.The difference between the shellmound and the site of Ala‐307 which contains the feature of the shellmound has been avery difficult distinction for many to understand.

Renown archeologists have said it is their belief that due to the massive significanceof Ala‐307 that 1900 Fourth would warrant every inch of the lot being studied by a archeologists should the permit beapproved and any mitigation be required. That is why they believe there is a high likelihood of this pattern continuing under 1900 Fourth‐ becausethis pattern surrounds 1900 Fourth. Agreed.Archeologists are sure by previous testing that there are undisturbed cultural deposits, including human burials, ringingthe parking lot. While many renown geo‐archeologists andarcheologists familiar with Ala‐307 have stated their belief that there is a high likelihood that undisturbed shellmoundwould be found on 1900 Fourth, you are right that none has been found by Archeo‐Tech in their testing program and noone can say for sure if there is or is not undisturbed shellmound on your project lot. While I do understand and appreciate your concernthat your archeological survey did not turn up any of the shellmound, itself, the shellmound itself is only one feature ofthe much larger site of Ala‐307, the whole of which is massively significant. Ala‐307 site’s boundaries were legally defined by the Federal and State governments in 2003,establishing 1900 Fourth as in the middle of Ala‐307 at that time. 1900 Fourth is roughly inthe middle of Ala‐307. I think this dialogue helps us all, the City and community andyour team and I thank you for the opportunity for this dialogue instead of debate.1900 Fourth Street is within the larger site of Ala‐307 (which covers portions of eight blocks). You have always been responsive and it is very much appreciated.I should try my best to address your statement about 1900 Fourth and Ala‐307 and invite others (with more specificexpertise than I have) to comment if they think it fruitful. CONKEY Christopher Dore Christopher Branson Lowman Running, GarryLeonard stephen Subject: Re: 1900 FourthThank you so much Lauren. Mailbox PWWorks Malcolm Margolin Kent Lightfoot Margaret W. MailboxMonday, Ap11:05 AMAllen, ShannonBuckley, StevenFW: 1900 FourthFrom: Richard Schwartz ]Sent: Monday, Ap10:47 AMTo: Lauren Seaver Jack Meyer Cc: Berkeley Mayor's Office Davila, Cheryl Wengraf,Susan Worthington, Kriss Maio, Linda Bartlett, Ben Hahn, Sophie Droste, Lori City Attorney's Office City Clerk Manager, C OED (Office of Economic Development) Delgado, Cristi Planning Dept. Allen, ShannonFrom:Sent:To:Cc:Subject:Planning Dept.